Pilates is not just an exercise class
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

Pilates is not just an exercise class

Pilates is ideal to achieve total balance as well as enhance the overall body’s flexibility, stamina, strength, as well as body awareness; that is why it is essential to do Pilates.

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Body Space
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

Body Space

Our bodies are amazing and they give us chance after chance to look after them, but unfortunately, we eventually run out of chances.

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Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

Gravity Yoga - Science of Stretching

Like so many people in Covid times working more from home on my laptop had taken a toll on my body, causing tight hips, hamstrings & so much tension in the shoulders.

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Pain in the Neck
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

Pain in the Neck

Muscle tension in the neck is a common complaint. Your neck contains flexible muscles that support the weight of your head. These muscles can be injured and irritated from overuse and postural problems.

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Gourmet Coffee?
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

Gourmet Coffee?

There are times we all just want to be told what to do, by someone with our best interest at heart or we simply want to sit down & have someone else make us the perfect latte, served with a smile & a genuine enquiry as to how our day is going. This is what you will get from the “small guy” who is passionate about his/her business - the same “small guy” who will never take your custom for granted.

Have a great day

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Bulletproof Motivation - part 2
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

Bulletproof Motivation - part 2

Hijacking Our Motivation

To improve your chances of going after those long-term goals, you need to hijack your body’s own motivation system. You need to force it to sometimes turn the hierarchy of needs on its head.

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Bulletproof Motivation - part 1
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

Bulletproof Motivation - part 1

Here’s something that shop owners and sellers know about human psychology: our decisions are driven by emotion and NOT logic.

That is to say, that you will buy something not because it is great value because you need it, or even because you particularly like it You buy something because you get excited by the cool packaging.

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Goal setting for success
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

Goal setting for success

Where People Go Wrong With Goal Setting

Goal setting is something that a lot of people simply don’t really understand. That is to say that they take the entirely wrong approach to it, which in turn results in them never seeing the results that they hoped to see.

There are lots of things we could improve about goal setting, but for now, we’re going to look at one thing specifically that relates to the Japanese concept of “kaizen.”

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Sheila Rose Sheila Rose


10 Tiny Improvements You Can Make to Yourself Right Now

We all want to be better. We all want to be the best versions of ourselves. Problem is that getting to this point can be difficult when you have so little time and energy left in a typical day.

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1% Better Every Day (part 6/6)
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

1% Better Every Day (part 6/6)

Kaizen is all about improving efficiency and optimizing your workflow and lifestyle to achieve more. This is a great way to approach your lifestyle, but it can also have its drawbacks. After all, if all you ever do is to make your lifestyle more and more efficient, you’ll eventually miss out on the simple things in life: like relaxing on the couch with your partner, or watching junk TV. How about going out with friends for coffee?

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1% Better Every Day (part 5/6)
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

1% Better Every Day (part 5/6)

One concept that lends itself particularly well to kaizen is the idea of the “life hack” or the “biohack.” This is the small lifestyle or health change that can potentially result in far bigger improvements in your life.

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1% Better Every Day (part 4/6)
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

1% Better Every Day (part 4/6)

The most obvious way to apply the concept of “small changes every day” to health and fitness, is to try and employ the idea of the “micro workout.” This means that you will be exercising for just a couple of minutes each day, to begin with. This then has numerous advantages: it makes the prospect of workout far less daunting, it means committing to a much smaller challenge while your energy levels are low, and it means forming a new habit.

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1% Better Every Day (part 3/6)
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

1% Better Every Day (part 3/6)

This might be the boring bit, but sometimes the stuff in the middle is worth understanding. don’t rush the process.

Kaizen in its Original Context:


Kazien is a term that has very much been adopted by the self-improvement crowd and that is popular among everyone who hopes to become happier, fitter, wealthier, and wiser. But it began as a business term, and understanding its routes in this way can go a long way to helping us grasp the concept and better apply it to our own lives.

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1% Better Every Day (part 2/6)
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

1% Better Every Day (part 2/6)

As mentioned in Part 1 of this blog series, the approach many of us impulsively make toward self-betterment is to try and change everything all at once. That example of starting a new training program where you train four times a week and cut your caloric intake is one that a lot of people can relate to.

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1% Better Every Day(part 1/6)
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

1% Better Every Day(part 1/6)

How do you go about changing your life?

Do you do it overnight?

The answer, hopefully, is obviously a resounding “no!”

Changing even a single aspect of your life takes time, dedication, and effort. Humans are creatures of habit, and once those habits have become deeply ingrained into our psyche, it takes time and consistency to retrain.

And yet despite many of us knowing all this intuitively, we still seem to think that we can make huge changes to our lives on a whim.

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7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Coconut Oil
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Coconut Oil

7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Coconut Oil

It is a common misconception that coconut oil is bad for you. People all over the world are experiencing the healthy benefits of using coconut oil. It is actually one of the healthiest oils you can consume.

Here are the top seven reasons why you should use coconut oil as an alternative to other common cooking oils.

1. Coconut oil doesn't turn into fat in your body.

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Absolutely Fabulous - why your 50’s are amazing!
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

Absolutely Fabulous - why your 50’s are amazing!

So I set about learning about my 50-year-old body & how best I could look after it, nutrition, exercise, and mentally. And results don’t happen overnight, it takes hard work - but as older women, we have amazing strength & resilience - in fact, if we put our minds to it - it’s scary what we can achieve!

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Eat Your Stress Goodbye - Stress-Reducing Diet
Sheila Rose Sheila Rose

Eat Your Stress Goodbye - Stress-Reducing Diet

When you’re turning to unhealthy foods you can feel better temporarily, but in the long run, you will feel worse. When your body isn’t getting the right nutrition, you can begin to feel less energetic, more lethargic, and in some cases less able to concentrate and focus. All of this can lead to even more stress.

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