Class Voucher


You can now purchase a Class Voucher for yourself or as a gift

You will receive a code via email to redeem your voucher and use at checkout when booking your class of choice, future classes are released usually 4 weeks before the start date, if you would like to reserve in advance, please contact me by email

all classes are subject to availability

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You can now purchase a Class Voucher for yourself or as a gift

You will receive a code via email to redeem your voucher and use at checkout when booking your class of choice, future classes are released usually 4 weeks before the start date, if you would like to reserve in advance, please contact me by email

all classes are subject to availability

You can now purchase a Class Voucher for yourself or as a gift

You will receive a code via email to redeem your voucher and use at checkout when booking your class of choice, future classes are released usually 4 weeks before the start date, if you would like to reserve in advance, please contact me by email

all classes are subject to availability