How to lose weight without the constant dieting

It’s no coincidence that the rapid rise in obesity happened around the same time highly processed foods became more available.

Although highly processed foods are convenient, they are packed with calories, low in nutrients, and increase your risk of many diseases.

On the other hand, real foods are very healthy and can help you lose weight.

By choosing Real Foods correct portion sizes, and adding daily exercise - you can lose weight without the restrictions of yo-yo dieting.

What Are Real Foods?

Real foods are single-ingredient foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, lack chemical additives, and are mostly unprocessed.

Here are just a few examples:

  • Apples

  • Bananas

  • Chia seeds

  • Broccoli

  • Kale

  • Berries

  • Tomatoes

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Brown rice

  • Salmon

  • Whole eggs

  • Unprocessed meat

reasons why real foods can help you lose weight.

Real Foods Are Nutritious

A diet rich in nutrients may help with fat loss by improving nutritional deficiencies and reducing hunger. vs. processed foods low in micronutrients and slow down weight loss in several ways, For instance, a diet of processed foods that don’t provide enough iron could affect your ability to exercise, since iron is required to move oxygen around your body. This would limit your ability to burn calories through exercise. The lack of nutrition in processed foods leads to spikes in appetite meaning you won’t stay feeling full for long. Ever had a ready meal felt totally bloated after then starving an hour later? Listen to your body

They’re Packed With Protein

Protein is the most important nutrient for fat loss.

It helps increase your metabolism, reduces hunger, and affects the production of hormones that help regulate weight.

Real Foods Don’t Contain Refined Sugars

Real foods don’t contain added sugar and have other nutrients that are great for your health. Foods high in added sugar are typically higher in calories, aren’t as filling, and increase your risk of obesity

They’re Higher in Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber may help you lose weight by reducing your appetite. Great real food sources of soluble fiber include sweet potatoes, beans, fruits, and vegetables.

Real Foods Don’t Contain Artificial Trans Fats

Artificial trans fats increase fat gain and boost the risk of many harmful diseases. Real foods don’t contain artificial trans fats.

They’ll Help You Eat More Slowly

Real foods can help slow down your eating since they typically have a firmer, more fibrous texture that needs to be chewed more. This simple action can help you lose weight by making you feel full with a smaller amount of food.

Real Foods May Reduce Sugar Cravings

Real foods provide a healthier sweet fix. Eating more real foods may help your taste buds adapt, reducing cravings over time.

You Can Eat More Food and Still Lose Weight

One big advantage of real foods is that they typically fill more of a plate than processed foods while providing fewer calories.

Real Foods Will Help You Make a Lifestyle Change

Following a crash diet may help you lose weight quickly, but keeping it off is the biggest challenge.

Most crash diets help you reach your goal by restricting food groups or drastically reducing calories.

Unfortunately, if their style of eating is something you can’t maintain long-term, then keeping weight off can be a struggle.

That’s where eating a diet rich in real foods can help you lose weight and maintain those benefits long-term. It shifts your focus to making food choices that are better for your waistline and your health.

Although this style of eating might mean weight loss takes longer to occur, you’re more likely to maintain what you lose because you’ve made a lifestyle change


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