Has Covid radically changed your goals?
““What day is it?” asked Pooh. “It’s today,” squeaked Piglet. “My favorite day,” said Pooh”
I remember talking to a good friend & client at the beginning of the first lockdown, the one where we all suddenly started to take covid seriously - we both agreed that the best course of action was to endeavor to look after our body and mind, to keep both as healthy as possible - so that if we did catch this virus, our immune system was at optimum health to give the best chance of full recovery.
Almost a year later from that conversation with so much more data about covid & its dreadful consequences for some, it seems a bit of Russian Roulette because you simply cannot guarantee how your body will cope.
So the mantra of #lookingafteryourself - holds through, and after so many lockdowns not only looking after our immune system - but looking after our mental health is as vital as ever.
My own key goals have changed, where my focus would have been on a particular event gearing my training towards that race, I now find myself focusing on goals that look after me completely, I suppose you could use the phrase a fully holistic training plan to reach the goal of optimal health.
There are some key areas: (in no particular order)
Nutrition - to eat foods daily which meets my body’s total nutritional needs, this includes taking victims
Weight - going hand in hand with nutrition I aim to be a weight that is in line with my shape & skeletal size
(I can’t get away with being big-boned, who ever saw a fat skeleton)
Mobility & Flexibility - being more mobile, makes me move better and get the best out of the time I exercise
Positive Mindset - may be the most important goal, I don’t think I could get close to achieving the other goals if not for a positive mindset its key
Relaxation & Sleep - again without the ability to relax and get a good night’s sleep - reaching goals are impossible. Finding 10 minutes in your day to meditate by simply focusing on your breath will change your entire day. Going to bed 1 hour earlier will energize, to add in 10 minutes of total relaxation prior to bed will ensure a great night’s sleep. Meditation & Relaxation do take practice! It sure took me a while.
Hydrate - I really have to remind myself of this one in cold weather, and initially, you will feel bloaty :-)
Break unhealthy habits - for me the final unhealthy habit really was alcohol, so I took a decision to do #DryJanuary - because frankly, I was drinking too much, covid is such an easy excuse, its a worldwide pandemic killing millions of people and completely altering our daily lives - its the greatest excuse of my lifetime! But none the less if I face facts its still just an excuse to form an unhealthy habit, rather than face reality and deal with it - you can drink all you want on a Wednesday night, Thursday morning your problems will still be there, you’ll just have a headache & look like crap to add to your woes - that’s the reality of unhealthy habits be it smoking, alcohol or foods, etc.
To end on a really positive note, if covid gets us to radically change our goals to benefit our long-term health, our long-term relationships, our long-term lifestyle - is it the biggest kick start of our lifetimes?
I would love to hear your thoughts
x Sheila