Sheila Rose Sheila Rose


I love a challenge that’s for sure ! 2021 is my first year to sign up for Dry January - in fairness other years my alcohol consumption probably was’’t in my top New Year Resolution goals. But this time last year who could have predicted how 2020 would pan out, Corona was just a beer, the words “lock-down”, “levels” , “tiers” might feature in the gaming world, wearing a face-masks in public you definitely would be keeping a social distance, and closing pubs in Ireland just before St. Patrick’s Day - sheer madness.

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Sheila Rose Sheila Rose


The start of a New Year always prompts us to take stock of our lifestyles, diet, fitness levels, work/life balance, relationships & alcohol consumption are a few of the popular areas we focus on. Most New Year resolutions fall by the wayside within the first 3 months, our expectations of life changing new habits “new year - new you” & actual reality clash.

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