Flexibility vs. mobility
What’s the difference? To get to the bottom of this question, it’s important to understand the difference between flexibility and mobility:
Flexibility is a muscle’s ability to lengthen passively, or without engagement. When you perform static (holding still) stretches using bodyweight, limb support, or props, you’re working on muscular flexibility.
Mobility, on the other hand, is related to the joints and their ability to move actively through their full range of motion (movement). Think of lifting your arm from your side to line up with your shoulder and back down again, that’s active mobility.
To have good mobility, you do need good flexibility - because:
Muscles move body parts by contracting and then relaxing. Muscles can pull bones, but they can't push them back to the original position. So they work in pairs of flexors and extensors. The flexor contracts to bend a limb at a joint.
Therefore if muscles lack flexibility and/or tight even if you have full mobility in the joints you will not have a full & free range of movement & visa versa.
You also need muscular strength and stability to actively manipulate the joints - therefore your exercise routine should incorporate mobility, flexibility, stability, and muscular strength training.
Benefits of mobility
May prevent injury -increased range of movement in the joints help reduce the risk of injury for example ankle mobility in runners if your ankles are strong and flexible you reduce the risk of injury through “rolling” the ankle on uneven surfaces.
Improve posture
If you experience immobility in the joints, your posture can suffer, a postural imbalance is linked to a lack of joint mobility - essentially, without strong muscles around the joints, it’s difficult to maintain good posture.
Increase ease of movement
Joint mobility is responsible for the control and coordination of some of our basic, everyday movements, working on your mobility will increasing your ease of everyday movement and maximize your exercise routine.
May reduce stress
taking time to incorporate a mixture of static stretching, dynamic movements, meditation, mindfulness, and breathing, can help reduce stress.
Physical independence
As the body ages, it’s natural for joint mobility to weaken, eventually, the joints can become so restricted that everyday movements like walking, standing, and holding objects becomes difficult without assistance - the sooner you start working on your mobility, the better.